add board

This commit is contained in:
Adrien VAN DAMME 2017-02-05 12:08:15 +01:00
parent f37d007971
commit 232d2a0c2d
37 changed files with 59016 additions and 0 deletions

board/7 seg board 1.0.brd Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

board/7 seg board Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
EAGLE AutoRouter Statistics:
Job : I:/Document/Projet/Nixie clock/7 seg board 1.0.brd
Start at : 20:37:52 (23/04/2014)
End at : 20:37:52 (23/04/2014)
Elapsed time : 00:00:00
Signals : 20 RoutingGrid: 25 mil Layers: 2
Connections : 28 predefined: 28 ( 6 Vias )
Router memory : 24960
Passname : Route Optimize1 Optimize2 Optimize3 Optimize4
Time per pass : 00:00:00 00:00:00 00:00:00 00:00:00 00:00:00
Number of Ripups : 0 0 0 0 0
max. Level : 0 0 0 0 0
max. Total : 0 0 0 0 0
Routed : 0 0 0 0 0
Vias : 0 0 0 0 0
Resolution : 100.0 % 100.0 % 100.0 % 100.0 % 100.0 %
Final : 100.0% finished

board/7 seg board 1.0.sch Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

board/DISCRETE.lbr Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
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board/Last Loaded MAIN.DBK Normal file

Binary file not shown.

board/MAIN.DSN Normal file

Binary file not shown.

board/MAIN.PWI Normal file

Binary file not shown.

board/MAIN_ser.DSN Normal file

Binary file not shown.

board/MAIN_ser.PWI Normal file

Binary file not shown.

board/Main board--.brd Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

board/Main board.brd Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

board/Main board.job.brd Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

board/Main board.pdf Normal file

Binary file not shown.

board/Main Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
EAGLE AutoRouter Statistics:
Job : G:/SynchronisationMega/Projet/Nixie clock/Main board.brd
Start at : 23:31:23 (4/06/2014)
End at : 23:36:40 (4/06/2014)
Elapsed time : 00:05:17
Signals : 71 RoutingGrid: 6.25 mil Layers: 2
Connections : 204 predefined: 0 ( 0 Vias )
Router memory : 3545808
Passname : Route Optimize1 Optimize2 Optimize3 Optimize4 Optimize5 Optimize6 Optimize7 Optimize8 Optimize9Optimize10
Time per pass : 00:03:07 00:00:13 00:00:12 00:00:12 00:00:13 00:00:14 00:00:13 00:00:13 00:00:14 00:00:13 00:00:13
Number of Ripups : 221 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
max. Level : 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
max. Total : 68 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Routed : 203 203 203 203 203 203 203 203 203 203 203
Vias : 139 102 92 89 86 87 87 87 87 87 87
Resolution : 99.5 % 99.5 % 99.5 % 99.5 % 99.5 % 99.5 % 99.5 % 99.5 % 99.5 % 99.5 % 99.5 %
Final : 99.5% finished

board/Main board.sch Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

board/Main.brd Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

board/Main.sch Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

board/Schéma Bloc.dia Normal file

Binary file not shown.

board/Schéma Bloc.png Normal file

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 65 KiB

View File

@ -0,0 +1,324 @@
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board/Schéma Block.bmp Normal file

Binary file not shown.


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board/Schéma Block.graphml Normal file
View File

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board/Schéma Block.jpg Normal file

Binary file not shown.


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board/dp_devices.lbr Normal file
View File

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board/eagle.epf Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
Version="06 01 00"
Type="Board Editor"
Loc="22 29 621 428"
View="-7.5589 -2.65993 24.7972 52.4464"
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PadDrills=" 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.9 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 2 2.2 2.8 3.2 0.8"
ViaDiameters=" 0.254 0.3048 0.4064 0.6096 0.8128 1.016 1.27 1.4224 1.6764 1.778 1.9304 2.1844 2.54 3.81 6.4516 0"
ViaDrills=" 0.5 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 2 2.2 2.8 3.2 0.6"
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MiterRadiuss=" 0.254 0.3175 0.635 1.27 2.54 1 2 2.5 5 7.5 10 0"
SmdSizes=" 0.3048 0.1524 0.4064 0.2032 0.6096 0.3048 0.8128 0.4064 1.016 0.508 1.27 0.6604 1.4224 0.7112 1.6764 0.8128 1.778 0.9144 1.9304 0.9652 2.1844 1.0668 2.54 1.27 3.81 1.9304 5.08 2.54 6.4516 3.2512 1.27 0.635"
Type="Control Panel"
Loc="22 29 621 428"
Screen="1024 768"

board/nixie board-1.0.brd Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

board/nixie board-1.0.sch Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

board/nixie board-2.0.brd Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

board/nixie board-2.0.log Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
Project Library Creation Log File 10/06/2014 09:25:03
EAGLE Version 6.1.0 Copyright (c) 1988-2012 CadSoft
Created from: nixie board-2.0.sch
LIBRARY: nixie_board-2.0.lbr
PAC: adafruit_DO41-10
PAC: dp_devices_DIL16
PAC: dp_devices_M1X8
PAC: resistor_C025-024X044
PAC: resistor_C025-025X050
PAC: resistor_C025-030X050
PAC: resistor_C025-040X050
PAC: resistor_C025-050X050
PAC: resistor_C025-060X050
PAC: resistor_C025_050-024X070
PAC: resistor_C025_050-025X075
PAC: resistor_C025_050-035X075
PAC: resistor_C025_050-045X075
PAC: resistor_C025_050-055X075
PAC: resistor_C050-024X044
PAC: resistor_C050-025X075
PAC: resistor_C050-030X075
PAC: resistor_C050-035X075
PAC: resistor_C050-045X075
PAC: resistor_C050-050X075
PAC: resistor_C050-055X075
PAC: resistor_C050-075X075
PAC: resistor_C050H075X075
PAC: resistor_C075-032X103
PAC: resistor_C075-042X103
PAC: resistor_C075-052X106
PAC: resistor_C075-063X106
PAC: resistor_C102-043X133
PAC: resistor_C102-054X133
PAC: resistor_C102-064X133
PAC: resistor_C102_152-062X184
PAC: resistor_C150-054X183
PAC: resistor_C150-064X183
PAC: resistor_C150-072X183
PAC: resistor_C150-084X183
PAC: resistor_C150-091X182
PAC: resistor_C225-062X268
PAC: resistor_C225-074X268
PAC: resistor_C225-087X268
PAC: resistor_C225-108X268
PAC: resistor_C225-113X268
PAC: resistor_C275-093X316
PAC: resistor_C275-113X316
PAC: resistor_C275-134X316
PAC: resistor_C275-154X316
PAC: resistor_C275-173X316
PAC: resistor_C275-205X316
PAC: resistor_C325-137X374
PAC: resistor_C325-162X374
PAC: resistor_C325-182X374
PAC: resistor_C375-155X418
PAC: resistor_C375-192X418
PAC: resistor_C375-203X418
PAC: resistor_C0402
PAC: resistor_C0402K
PAC: resistor_C0504
PAC: resistor_C0603
PAC: resistor_C0603K
PAC: resistor_C0805
PAC: resistor_C0805K
PAC: resistor_C1005
PAC: resistor_C1206
PAC: resistor_C1206K
PAC: resistor_C1210
PAC: resistor_C1210K
PAC: resistor_C1310
PAC: resistor_C1608
PAC: resistor_C1812
PAC: resistor_C1812K
PAC: resistor_C1825
PAC: resistor_C1825K
PAC: resistor_C2012
PAC: resistor_C2220K
PAC: resistor_C2225K
PAC: resistor_C3216
PAC: resistor_C3225
PAC: resistor_C4532
PAC: resistor_C4564
PAC: russian-nixies_IN-8
SYM: adafruit_D
SYM: dp_devices_74141
SYM: dp_devices_HEADER1X8
SYM: dp_devices_SUPPLY
SYM: resistor_C-EU
SYM: russian-nixies_IN-8
DEV: adafruit_1N4004
DEV: dp_devices_CON_HEADER_1X08
DEV: dp_devices_IC_74141
DEV: resistor_C-EU
DEV: russian-nixies_IN-8

board/nixie board-2.0.pdf Normal file

Binary file not shown.

board/nixie Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
EAGLE AutoRouter Statistics:
Job : G:/Document/Projet/Nixie clock/nixie board-2.0.brd
Start at : 09:42:14 (10/06/2014)
End at : 09:42:27 (10/06/2014)
Elapsed time : 00:00:13
Signals : 19 RoutingGrid: 3.125 mil Layers: 2
Connections : 23 predefined: 0 ( 0 Vias )
Router memory : 1294916
Passname : Route Optimize1 Optimize2 Optimize3 Optimize4 Optimize5 Optimize6
Time per pass : 00:00:07 00:00:01 00:00:01 00:00:01 00:00:01 00:00:01 00:00:01
Number of Ripups : 54 0 0 0 0 0 0
max. Level : 3 0 0 0 0 0 0
max. Total : 5 0 0 0 0 0 0
Routed : 23 23 23 23 23 23 23
Vias : 7 7 7 6 6 6 6
Resolution : 100.0 % 100.0 % 100.0 % 100.0 % 100.0 % 100.0 % 100.0 %
Final : 100.0% finished

board/nixie board-2.0.sch Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

board/nixie board-2.0.scr Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

board/nixie_board.lbr Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,245 @@
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<package name="RUSSIAN-NIXIES_IN-8">
<description>May be used with socket: &lt;b&gt;11-pin- Russian&lt;/b&gt;</description>
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<package name="BOARD_NIXIE">
<pad name="_D" x="-35.56" y="8.89" drill="0.8" shape="long"/>
<pad name="_C" x="-35.56" y="6.35" drill="0.8" shape="long"/>
<pad name="_B" x="-35.56" y="3.81" drill="0.8" shape="long"/>
<pad name="_A" x="-35.56" y="1.27" drill="0.8" shape="long"/>
<pad name="NC" x="-35.56" y="-1.27" drill="0.8" shape="long"/>
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<circle x="0" y="0" radius="2.54" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
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<wire x1="-7.62" y1="-12.7" x2="7.62" y2="-12.7" width="0.254" layer="94"/>
<wire x1="7.62" y1="-12.7" x2="7.62" y2="10.16" width="0.254" layer="94"/>
<wire x1="7.62" y1="10.16" x2="-7.62" y2="10.16" width="0.254" layer="94"/>
<text x="0" y="-15.24" size="1.27" layer="94">nixie board</text>
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<technology name=""/>

board/qr.scr Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,866 @@
# Generated with C:/Program Files (x86)/EAGLE-6.1.0/ulp/qr-code.ulp
# Encoded data: Nixie Board By Adrien VAN DAMME 6TElec ARV 2013-2014
LAYER 121;
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RECT (R 0.50000 -4.50000) (R 1.00000 -5.00000)
RECT (R 1.00000 -4.50000) (R 1.50000 -5.00000)
RECT (R 1.50000 -4.50000) (R 2.00000 -5.00000)
RECT (R 2.00000 -4.50000) (R 2.50000 -5.00000)
RECT (R 2.50000 -4.50000) (R 3.00000 -5.00000)
RECT (R 3.00000 -4.50000) (R 3.50000 -5.00000)
RECT (R 3.50000 -4.50000) (R 4.00000 -5.00000)
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RECT (R 5.50000 -4.50000) (R 6.00000 -5.00000)
RECT (R 6.00000 -4.50000) (R 6.50000 -5.00000)
RECT (R 7.00000 -4.50000) (R 7.50000 -5.00000)
RECT (R 7.50000 -4.50000) (R 8.00000 -5.00000)
RECT (R 8.50000 -4.50000) (R 9.00000 -5.00000)
RECT (R 9.00000 -4.50000) (R 9.50000 -5.00000)
RECT (R 9.50000 -4.50000) (R 10.00000 -5.00000)
RECT (R 10.50000 -4.50000) (R 11.00000 -5.00000)
RECT (R 11.00000 -4.50000) (R 11.50000 -5.00000)
RECT (R 11.50000 -4.50000) (R 12.00000 -5.00000)
RECT (R 13.50000 -4.50000) (R 14.00000 -5.00000)
RECT (R 14.00000 -4.50000) (R 14.50000 -5.00000)
RECT (R 14.50000 -4.50000) (R 15.00000 -5.00000)
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RECT (R 17.50000 -4.50000) (R 18.00000 -5.00000)
RECT (R 18.00000 -4.50000) (R 18.50000 -5.00000)
RECT (R 18.50000 -4.50000) (R 19.00000 -5.00000)
RECT (R 0.00000 -5.00000) (R 0.50000 -5.50000)
RECT (R 0.50000 -5.00000) (R 1.00000 -5.50000)
RECT (R 1.50000 -5.00000) (R 2.00000 -5.50000)
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RECT (R 2.50000 -5.00000) (R 3.00000 -5.50000)
RECT (R 3.00000 -5.00000) (R 3.50000 -5.50000)
RECT (R 3.50000 -5.00000) (R 4.00000 -5.50000)
RECT (R 4.50000 -5.00000) (R 5.00000 -5.50000)
RECT (R 6.50000 -5.00000) (R 7.00000 -5.50000)
RECT (R 7.50000 -5.00000) (R 8.00000 -5.50000)
RECT (R 9.00000 -5.00000) (R 9.50000 -5.50000)
RECT (R 9.50000 -5.00000) (R 10.00000 -5.50000)
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RECT (R 12.50000 -5.00000) (R 13.00000 -5.50000)
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RECT (R 18.00000 -5.00000) (R 18.50000 -5.50000)
RECT (R 18.50000 -5.00000) (R 19.00000 -5.50000)
RECT (R 0.00000 -5.50000) (R 0.50000 -6.00000)
RECT (R 0.50000 -5.50000) (R 1.00000 -6.00000)
RECT (R 1.00000 -5.50000) (R 1.50000 -6.00000)
RECT (R 3.00000 -5.50000) (R 3.50000 -6.00000)
RECT (R 3.50000 -5.50000) (R 4.00000 -6.00000)
RECT (R 4.00000 -5.50000) (R 4.50000 -6.00000)
RECT (R 4.50000 -5.50000) (R 5.00000 -6.00000)
RECT (R 5.00000 -5.50000) (R 5.50000 -6.00000)
RECT (R 7.50000 -5.50000) (R 8.00000 -6.00000)
RECT (R 8.50000 -5.50000) (R 9.00000 -6.00000)
RECT (R 9.00000 -5.50000) (R 9.50000 -6.00000)
RECT (R 9.50000 -5.50000) (R 10.00000 -6.00000)
RECT (R 10.00000 -5.50000) (R 10.50000 -6.00000)
RECT (R 11.00000 -5.50000) (R 11.50000 -6.00000)
RECT (R 11.50000 -5.50000) (R 12.00000 -6.00000)
RECT (R 12.50000 -5.50000) (R 13.00000 -6.00000)
RECT (R 13.00000 -5.50000) (R 13.50000 -6.00000)
RECT (R 13.50000 -5.50000) (R 14.00000 -6.00000)
RECT (R 14.00000 -5.50000) (R 14.50000 -6.00000)
RECT (R 15.50000 -5.50000) (R 16.00000 -6.00000)
RECT (R 16.00000 -5.50000) (R 16.50000 -6.00000)
RECT (R 17.50000 -5.50000) (R 18.00000 -6.00000)
RECT (R 18.00000 -5.50000) (R 18.50000 -6.00000)
RECT (R 18.50000 -5.50000) (R 19.00000 -6.00000)
RECT (R 0.00000 -6.00000) (R 0.50000 -6.50000)
RECT (R 0.50000 -6.00000) (R 1.00000 -6.50000)
RECT (R 1.00000 -6.00000) (R 1.50000 -6.50000)
RECT (R 1.50000 -6.00000) (R 2.00000 -6.50000)
RECT (R 2.00000 -6.00000) (R 2.50000 -6.50000)
RECT (R 3.50000 -6.00000) (R 4.00000 -6.50000)
RECT (R 4.50000 -6.00000) (R 5.00000 -6.50000)
RECT (R 5.00000 -6.00000) (R 5.50000 -6.50000)
RECT (R 6.00000 -6.00000) (R 6.50000 -6.50000)
RECT (R 7.00000 -6.00000) (R 7.50000 -6.50000)
RECT (R 7.50000 -6.00000) (R 8.00000 -6.50000)
RECT (R 8.00000 -6.00000) (R 8.50000 -6.50000)
RECT (R 9.50000 -6.00000) (R 10.00000 -6.50000)
RECT (R 10.00000 -6.00000) (R 10.50000 -6.50000)
RECT (R 10.50000 -6.00000) (R 11.00000 -6.50000)
RECT (R 12.00000 -6.00000) (R 12.50000 -6.50000)
RECT (R 12.50000 -6.00000) (R 13.00000 -6.50000)
RECT (R 13.50000 -6.00000) (R 14.00000 -6.50000)
RECT (R 14.00000 -6.00000) (R 14.50000 -6.50000)
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RECT (R 18.50000 -6.00000) (R 19.00000 -6.50000)
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RECT (R 0.50000 -6.50000) (R 1.00000 -7.00000)
RECT (R 1.00000 -6.50000) (R 1.50000 -7.00000)
RECT (R 1.50000 -6.50000) (R 2.00000 -7.00000)
RECT (R 2.00000 -6.50000) (R 2.50000 -7.00000)
RECT (R 3.00000 -6.50000) (R 3.50000 -7.00000)
RECT (R 4.00000 -6.50000) (R 4.50000 -7.00000)
RECT (R 5.00000 -6.50000) (R 5.50000 -7.00000)
RECT (R 5.50000 -6.50000) (R 6.00000 -7.00000)
RECT (R 7.00000 -6.50000) (R 7.50000 -7.00000)
RECT (R 7.50000 -6.50000) (R 8.00000 -7.00000)
RECT (R 8.50000 -6.50000) (R 9.00000 -7.00000)
RECT (R 9.00000 -6.50000) (R 9.50000 -7.00000)
RECT (R 9.50000 -6.50000) (R 10.00000 -7.00000)
RECT (R 10.50000 -6.50000) (R 11.00000 -7.00000)
RECT (R 11.50000 -6.50000) (R 12.00000 -7.00000)
RECT (R 12.50000 -6.50000) (R 13.00000 -7.00000)
RECT (R 13.50000 -6.50000) (R 14.00000 -7.00000)
RECT (R 14.00000 -6.50000) (R 14.50000 -7.00000)
RECT (R 14.50000 -6.50000) (R 15.00000 -7.00000)
RECT (R 15.00000 -6.50000) (R 15.50000 -7.00000)
RECT (R 16.50000 -6.50000) (R 17.00000 -7.00000)
RECT (R 17.50000 -6.50000) (R 18.00000 -7.00000)
RECT (R 18.00000 -6.50000) (R 18.50000 -7.00000)
RECT (R 18.50000 -6.50000) (R 19.00000 -7.00000)
RECT (R 0.00000 -7.00000) (R 0.50000 -7.50000)
RECT (R 0.50000 -7.00000) (R 1.00000 -7.50000)
RECT (R 1.00000 -7.00000) (R 1.50000 -7.50000)
RECT (R 1.50000 -7.00000) (R 2.00000 -7.50000)
RECT (R 2.00000 -7.00000) (R 2.50000 -7.50000)
RECT (R 3.50000 -7.00000) (R 4.00000 -7.50000)
RECT (R 5.50000 -7.00000) (R 6.00000 -7.50000)
RECT (R 6.50000 -7.00000) (R 7.00000 -7.50000)
RECT (R 7.00000 -7.00000) (R 7.50000 -7.50000)
RECT (R 11.00000 -7.00000) (R 11.50000 -7.50000)
RECT (R 11.50000 -7.00000) (R 12.00000 -7.50000)
RECT (R 13.00000 -7.00000) (R 13.50000 -7.50000)
RECT (R 13.50000 -7.00000) (R 14.00000 -7.50000)
RECT (R 15.00000 -7.00000) (R 15.50000 -7.50000)
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RECT (R 18.00000 -7.00000) (R 18.50000 -7.50000)
RECT (R 18.50000 -7.00000) (R 19.00000 -7.50000)
RECT (R 0.00000 -7.50000) (R 0.50000 -8.00000)
RECT (R 0.50000 -7.50000) (R 1.00000 -8.00000)
RECT (R 1.00000 -7.50000) (R 1.50000 -8.00000)
RECT (R 2.00000 -7.50000) (R 2.50000 -8.00000)
RECT (R 2.50000 -7.50000) (R 3.00000 -8.00000)
RECT (R 3.00000 -7.50000) (R 3.50000 -8.00000)
RECT (R 3.50000 -7.50000) (R 4.00000 -8.00000)
RECT (R 4.00000 -7.50000) (R 4.50000 -8.00000)
RECT (R 5.50000 -7.50000) (R 6.00000 -8.00000)
RECT (R 7.50000 -7.50000) (R 8.00000 -8.00000)
RECT (R 8.50000 -7.50000) (R 9.00000 -8.00000)
RECT (R 9.50000 -7.50000) (R 10.00000 -8.00000)
RECT (R 11.00000 -7.50000) (R 11.50000 -8.00000)
RECT (R 11.50000 -7.50000) (R 12.00000 -8.00000)
RECT (R 13.50000 -7.50000) (R 14.00000 -8.00000)
RECT (R 14.00000 -7.50000) (R 14.50000 -8.00000)
RECT (R 14.50000 -7.50000) (R 15.00000 -8.00000)
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RECT (R 16.50000 -7.50000) (R 17.00000 -8.00000)
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RECT (R 18.00000 -7.50000) (R 18.50000 -8.00000)
RECT (R 18.50000 -7.50000) (R 19.00000 -8.00000)
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RECT (R 0.50000 -8.00000) (R 1.00000 -8.50000)
RECT (R 2.00000 -8.00000) (R 2.50000 -8.50000)
RECT (R 2.50000 -8.00000) (R 3.00000 -8.50000)
RECT (R 3.00000 -8.00000) (R 3.50000 -8.50000)
RECT (R 3.50000 -8.00000) (R 4.00000 -8.50000)
RECT (R 4.50000 -8.00000) (R 5.00000 -8.50000)
RECT (R 5.00000 -8.00000) (R 5.50000 -8.50000)
RECT (R 7.50000 -8.00000) (R 8.00000 -8.50000)
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RECT (R 10.00000 -8.00000) (R 10.50000 -8.50000)
RECT (R 10.50000 -8.00000) (R 11.00000 -8.50000)
RECT (R 11.00000 -8.00000) (R 11.50000 -8.50000)
RECT (R 12.00000 -8.00000) (R 12.50000 -8.50000)
RECT (R 12.50000 -8.00000) (R 13.00000 -8.50000)
RECT (R 14.50000 -8.00000) (R 15.00000 -8.50000)
RECT (R 15.50000 -8.00000) (R 16.00000 -8.50000)
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RECT (R 18.50000 -8.00000) (R 19.00000 -8.50000)
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RECT (R 0.50000 -8.50000) (R 1.00000 -9.00000)
RECT (R 1.00000 -8.50000) (R 1.50000 -9.00000)
RECT (R 1.50000 -8.50000) (R 2.00000 -9.00000)
RECT (R 4.00000 -8.50000) (R 4.50000 -9.00000)
RECT (R 5.00000 -8.50000) (R 5.50000 -9.00000)
RECT (R 5.50000 -8.50000) (R 6.00000 -9.00000)
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RECT (R 11.50000 -8.50000) (R 12.00000 -9.00000)
RECT (R 12.50000 -8.50000) (R 13.00000 -9.00000)
RECT (R 14.00000 -8.50000) (R 14.50000 -9.00000)
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RECT (R 1.50000 -9.00000) (R 2.00000 -9.50000)
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RECT (R 0.50000 -9.50000) (R 1.00000 -10.00000)
RECT (R 1.00000 -9.50000) (R 1.50000 -10.00000)
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RECT (R 3.50000 -9.50000) (R 4.00000 -10.00000)
RECT (R 4.00000 -9.50000) (R 4.50000 -10.00000)
RECT (R 4.50000 -9.50000) (R 5.00000 -10.00000)
RECT (R 5.00000 -9.50000) (R 5.50000 -10.00000)
RECT (R 6.00000 -9.50000) (R 6.50000 -10.00000)
RECT (R 7.50000 -9.50000) (R 8.00000 -10.00000)
RECT (R 8.00000 -9.50000) (R 8.50000 -10.00000)
RECT (R 8.50000 -9.50000) (R 9.00000 -10.00000)
RECT (R 11.50000 -9.50000) (R 12.00000 -10.00000)
RECT (R 12.00000 -9.50000) (R 12.50000 -10.00000)
RECT (R 13.50000 -9.50000) (R 14.00000 -10.00000)
RECT (R 15.00000 -9.50000) (R 15.50000 -10.00000)
RECT (R 15.50000 -9.50000) (R 16.00000 -10.00000)
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RECT (R 0.50000 -10.00000) (R 1.00000 -10.50000)
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RECT (R 0.50000 -11.50000) (R 1.00000 -12.00000)
RECT (R 2.00000 -11.50000) (R 2.50000 -12.00000)
RECT (R 2.50000 -11.50000) (R 3.00000 -12.00000)
RECT (R 3.00000 -11.50000) (R 3.50000 -12.00000)
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