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2018-06-10 03:43:12 +02:00
; iButton serial number reader
; Addapter pour lire le 18b20 par
; e-mail: radek(at)
; (c) Radoslaw Kwiecien
; Defines
#define F_CPU 16000000
;Table 3. DS18B20 Function Command Set p12
#define ReadRom 0x33
#define SkipRom 0xcc
#define ConvertTemp 0x44 ; Initiates temperature conversion.
#define WScratch 0x4e ; Writes data into scratchpad bytes 2, 3, and4 (TH, TL, and configuration registers).
#define RScratch 0xbe ; Reads the entire scratchpad including theCRC byte.
; Data segment, variable definitions
2018-06-09 17:38:15 +02:00
2018-06-10 03:43:12 +02:00
SerialNumber: .byte 8
; Code segment
2018-06-09 17:38:15 +02:00
2018-06-10 03:43:12 +02:00
; Include required files
#include "vectors.asm"
#include "hd44780.asm"
#include "wait.asm"
#include "1-wire.asm"
#include "crc8.asm"
; Constants definition
Text1 :
.db "iButton Reader",0,0
Text2 :
.db "",0,0
Tp :
.db ".",0,0
; Program entry point
ldi r16, LOW(RAMEND) ; Initialize stack pointer
out SPL, r16 ;
rcall LCD_Init ; Initialize LCD
ldi r16, (HD44780_LINE0 + 1) ;
rcall LCD_SetAddressDD ; Set Display Data address to (0,1)
ldi ZL, LOW(Text1 << 1) ; Load string address to Z
ldi ZH, HIGH(Text1<< 1) ;
rcall LCD_WriteString ; Display string
ldi r16, (HD44780_LINE1 + 1) ;
rcall LCD_SetAddressDD ; Set Display Data address to (1,1);
;ldi ZL, LOW(Text2 << 1) ;
;ldi ZH, HIGH(Text2<< 1) ; Load string address to Z
;rcall LCD_WriteString ; Display string
rcall OWReset
brts ConfigResolTo10Bits
ldi r16, SkipRom ; Write Skip Rom one wire in "single-drop"
rcall OWWriteByte
ldi r16, WScratch
rcall OWWriteByte
clr r16
rcall OWWriteByte ;th,tl
rcall OWWriteByte ;th,tl
ldi r16, 63
rcall OWWriteByte ;resol
ldi r16, (HD44780_LINE1 + 1) ;
rcall LCD_SetAddressDD ; Set Display Data address to (1,1);
rcall OWReset ; One wire reset
brts MainLoop ; If device not present go to MainLoop
rcall TempRequest
rcall MainReadTemp
rcall ConvertTempForLCD
;rcall CRC8Init ; Initialize CRC8 value
jmp LoadLoop
rcall OWReadByte ; Read first byte (Family ID)
cpi r16,0 ; If first byte equal to zero, go to MainLoop
breq MainLoop ; (short circuit on one wire bus)
rcall CRC8Update ; Update the CRC
ldi YL, LOW(SerialNumber) ;
ldi YH, HIGH(SerialNumber) ; Load to Y address of SerialNumber table
st Y+, r16 ; Store first byte to table, and increment pointer
ldi r17, 7 ; 7 bytes remaining
rcall OWReadByte ; read next byte
rcall CRC8Update ; update the CRC
st Y+, r16 ; store next byte to table, and increment pointer
dec r17 ; decrement loop counter
brne StoreLoop ; if greater than zero, jump to StoreLoop
rcall GetCRC8 ; Read computet CRC8
cpi r16,0 ; copmare with zero
brne MainLoop ; if not equal, jump to MainLoop (bad CRC)
; else
ldi r16, (HD44780_LINE1 + 0) ;
rcall LCD_SetAddressDD ; Set DisplayData address to (0,1)
ldi YL, LOW(SerialNumber) ;
ldi YH, HIGH(SerialNumber) ; Load to Y address of SerialNumber table
ldi r17,2 ; 8 digits to display
push r16
mov r16, XL ; load to r16 byte from table
push r16
ldi r19,0xF0
and r16,r19
rcall bin2bcd8
lsr r16
lsr r16
lsr r16
lsr r16
rcall LCD_WriteHexDigit ; display it on LCD in HEX
pop r16
rcall bin2bcd8
ldi r18,0x0F
and r16,r18
rcall LCD_WriteHexDigit ; display it on LCD in HEX
mov r16, r18 ; load to r16 byte from table
push r16
ldi r19,0xF0
and r16,r19
rcall bin2bcd8
lsr r16
lsr r16
lsr r16
lsr r16
rcall LCD_WriteHexDigit ; display it on LCD in HEX
pop r16
rcall bin2bcd8
ldi r18,0x0F
and r16,r18
rcall LCD_WriteHexDigit ; display it on LCD in HEX
2018-06-09 17:38:15 +02:00
2018-06-10 03:43:12 +02:00
jmp MainLoop
brne LoadLoop ; if not zero, jump to LoadLoop
rjmp MainLoop ; jump to MainLoop
; End of file
;======= Converting from HEX to BCD ====================================================
;* "bin2BCD8" - 8-bit Binary to BCD conversion
;* This subroutine converts an 8-bit number (temp) to a 2-digit
;* i.e 0x15 becomes 0x21
;* result in temp
;.def tBCD = r21 ;add this to main asm file
clr r21 ;clear temp reg
subi r16,10 ;input = input - 10
brcs bBCD8_2 ;abort if carry set
subi r21,-$10 ;tBCD = tBCD + 10
rjmp bBCD8_1 ;loop again
subi r16,-10 ;compensate extra subtraction
add r16,r21