Dangerous Prototypes Standard PCB sizes http://dangerousprototypes.com DIL-16 >NAME >VALUE >NAME >VALUE BCD to decimal decoder Developed by element14 :<br> element14 CAD Library consolidation.ulp at 27/07/2012 14:02:49 * * >NAME >VALUE >NAME >VALUE 8-bit Microcontroller with In-System Programmable Flash <b>TTL Devices with DIN Symbols</b><p> CadSoft and the author do not warrant that this library is free from error or will meet your specific requirements.<p> <author>Created by Holger Bettenbühl, hol.bet.@rhein-main.net</author> <b>Dual In Line Package</b> >NAME >VALUE >NAME >NAME >NAME >VALUE 2D 3 R C1 SRG8 C2 1 D EN3 2D 3 8-bit <b>SHIFT REGISTER</b>, output latch <b>Dual In Line Package</b> >NAME >VALUE <b>CRYSTAL</b> >NAME >VALUE <b>CRYSTAL</b> >NAME >VALUE <b>CRYSTAL</b> >NAME >VALUE <b>CRYSTAL</b> >NAME >VALUE <b>CRYSTAL</b> >NAME >VALUE <b>CRYSTAL</b> >NAME >VALUE <b>CRYSTAL</b> >NAME >VALUE <b>CRYSTAL</b> >NAME >VALUE <b>CRYSTAL</b> >NAME >VALUE <b>CRYSTAL</b> >NAME >VALUE <b>CRYSTAL</b> >NAME >VALUE <b>CRYSTAL</b> >NAME >VALUE <b>CRYSTAL</b> >NAME >VALUE <b>CRYSTAL</b> >NAME >VALUE <b>CRYSTAL</b> >NAME >VALUE <b>CRYSTAL</b> >NAME >VALUE <b>CRYSTAL</b> >NAME >VALUE <b>CRYSTAL RESONATOR</b> >NAME >VALUE <b>CRYSTAL</b> >NAME >VALUE <b>CRYSTAL</b> >NAME >VALUE <b>Model 406 6.0x3.5mm Low Cost Surface Mount Crystal</b><p> Source: 008-0260-0_E.pdf >NAME >VALUE >NAME >NAME >VALUE <b>TO-92</b><p> grid 5.08 mm >NAME >VALUE DS1307 >NAME >NAME >VALUE 1 2 >NAME Red Grn Blue >NAME >VALUE <b>DS1307</b> <p> Real time clock (RTC) with battery backup ability. Talk to it via i2c <b>CRYSTAL</b> <b>RGB LED, common-anode</b><p>5MM Staggered pins<p>5mm Piranha package <p>http://www.ladyada.net/library/pcb/eaglelibrary.html<p> <b>NPN TRANSISTOR</b> Big oval pads <b>Russian IN series nixie tubes</b><br><br> Based on the following sources: <ul> <li>Measurements taken from nixies in my collection <li>http://www.tube-tester.com </ul><br> <author>Created by p.s.troost@student.tue.nl</author> May be used with socket: <b>11-pin- Russian</b> >NAME >NAME IN-8: medium numeric <b>frontview</b> nixie tube >NAME >VALUE >VALUE >NAME >NAME >VALUE >NAME >VALUE <b>Supply Symbols</b><p> GND, VCC, 0V, +5V, -5V, etc.<p> Please keep in mind, that these devices are necessary for the automatic wiring of the supply signals.<p> The pin name defined in the symbol is identical to the net which is to be wired automatically.<p> In this library the device names are the same as the pin names of the symbols, therefore the correct signal names appear next to the supply symbols in the schematic.<p> <author>Created by librarian@cadsoft.de</author> >VALUE <b>SUPPLY SYMBOL</b> <b>Lithium Batteries and NC Accus</b><p> <author>Created by librarian@cadsoft.de</author> <b>NC ACCU</b> Sonnenschein<p> Mini-Memo NC-MM<p> 2.4 to 4.8 R5 >NAME >VALUE NC-MM >NAME >VALUE <b>NC ACCU Sonnenschein</b><p> Mini-Memo NC-MM<p> 2.4 to 4.8 R5<p> Sonnenschein